Los Holandeses (2019)
is a home made Spanish comedy sketch series by Willem de Haan and Jaume Clotet, which is focussed on learning the Dutch language. Every episode (lesson) four new Dutch words are introduced to the Spanish speaking audience, accompanied by a short comedy sketch to give a very little bit of context to the new word. In Lesson #1 you can learn about De Misdaad, Vlietuigmodus, Het Geweld and De Paraplu.
is a home made Spanish comedy sketch series by Willem de Haan and Jaume Clotet, which is focussed on learning the Dutch language. Every episode (lesson) four new Dutch words are introduced to the Spanish speaking audience, accompanied by a short comedy sketch to give a very little bit of context to the new word. In Lesson #1 you can learn about De Misdaad, Vlietuigmodus, Het Geweld and De Paraplu.